Appointed: A Canadian Senator Bringing Margins to the Centre

A Conversation with Senator Colin Deacon: Open Banking & Guaranteed Livable Income

Episode Summary

In this episode, Senator Kim Pate is joined by Independent Senator Colin Deacon representing Nova Scotia. Senator Deacon discusses the benefits of adopting an open banking regime in Canada. He also shares his thoughts on guaranteed livable income. He further expands on ways that we can address poverty in an entrepreneurial way.

Episode Notes

Resources and cases mentioned during the episode:

Click here to access the US Federal Study Senator Deacon discussed at the 8:44 minute mark. 

Click here to access the report from the Advisory Committee on Open Banking discussed at the 15:10 minute mark.

Click here to access more information on the Dauphin Manitoba Experience discussed at  the 17:53 minute mark.

Click here to access Senator Deacon's Senate speech discussed at the 18:29 minute mark.